Red Light Therapy

The BioMax 900, a Class 2 FDA approved device, delivers the most advanced red light therapy available, harnessing six different red and near infrared wavelengths of light for truly next level therapy. Red Light Therapy has been shown to increased tissue repair, stimulate mitochondria and stem cells for faster recovery, soothes sore muscles, joint pain, and arthritis, support lymph flow and generate production of collagen. This is a great service to add to either before or after your bodywork session. During your first appointment for Red Light Therapy you'll go over how to work the device with Brian or Christina. Red Light Therapy requires prepayment. If you miss your appointment, you will not receive a refund. Although it is impossible to list every potential risk and complication, the following are recognized as contraindications for LED Light Therapy and you must get approval from a licensed physician prior to LED light therapy. Pregnancy History of Malignant Tissue or Tumors History of Thyroid conditions Diseases that involve the Retina of the Eye History of Low Blood Pressure History of Skin Cancer Use of Photo-Sensitizing Medications History of Epilepsy/Seizures Undergoing Chemotherapy Undergoing Radiation Systemic Lupus